I recently locked the door in a building I have outside. Since the lock was installed before I ever bought the home, I didn't have the key. I tried to get it unlocked myself but couldn't. There wasn't anything in there I was overly concerned about that I felt the need to hire home security systems Austin TX immediately. I decided to do some research on locksmith services before hiring someone.
I asked a few of my family members if they have hired a locksmith for anything. None of them ever remember having to hire someone. A friend of mine mentioned they had to use them once but couldn't remember who the company was.
I decided to start calling around to see what each one of them would charge. They all charged about the same price. Each one of them I called seemed really nice and helpful.
I finally decided to hire a locksmith to get my door unlocked. I didn't want to damage the door so I couldn't just remove the door handle without damaging it. I told the locksmith I hired about this and he said there was a way he could unlock it without removing the handle. He was able to unlock it very quickly and using just a few of the tools he had. He didn't cause any damage to the handle or the door either. He did suggest replacing the handle with one that has a key I can use. I am going to do that so I don't have to hire someone to come get it unlocked if I ever lock it again.
Most of the time, locksmith services are about the same. No matter who you hire, you will get about the same service. So don't feel bad calling the first locksmith you come across.